Saturday, August 28, 2010

More fun links....ok maybe not "fun" except one.

A few interesting, under-the-radar links:

Krauthammer at his awesomest.

For anyone that thinks the MSM is still unbiased. The fact that ABC is attempting these shenanigans is semi-surprising. I thought with Jake Tapper getting a little more play; they were starting to get their house in order.

The final serious article is from a liberal questioning other libs about why multiculturalism has seemingly trumped Islamic religious abuses. It's quite good, but I have serious issues with the second-to-last sentence:

This muddled thinking allows the American religious and political Right to misrepresent itself as the chief defender of Enlightenment values.

So wrong. No one ideology has an exclusive license to defend Enlightenment values. "Political correctness" and relativism have become greater priorities for the Left than freedom and liberty. The Right is filling a moral vacuum. Ideally, all Americans (and anyone else who considers themselves part of or allied with "the West") would be united against stoning, genital mutilation, execution for apostasy and honor killings that mar Islam.

Now that I got that off my chest; here's something we all can enjoy.....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Some articles from the past couple weeks...

Haven't had much time to blog seems to get in the way. But here are some articles from the last 10 days or so that moved me to post them to my Facebook page.

From Ace of Spades - he doesn't mince words.

A local story from the Pittsburgh Tribune Review about the former President of Indiana University of Pa.
If you care how your tax dollars are spent; you will be disgusted.

A great editorial on how tolerance that makes you think about whether the Left is reprising Chamberlain:

This cartoon:

Ann Coulter nails the Left on their inconsistency....again:

A nice article from Bloomberg on the failure of the Obama administration's Keynesian economic policies:

Finally another article on the GZM and tolerance by the inimitable Christopher Higgins:

For now, I'm tired, but I plan to post more soon.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What President Obama should've said Friday night...

As anyone who pays attention now knows, President Obama on Friday night came out in support of the proposed mosque/community center to be built two blocks from Ground Zero. In his speech to Islamic leaders at an Iftar, which celebrates the breaking of the fast during Ramadan, the President cited our Constitution, President Obama stated per Politico:

“Ground zero is, indeed, hallowed ground...but let me be clear: As a citizen and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country. That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.”

In the humble opinion of this writer, this is what President Obama should've said to the assembled Islamic leaders:

"Per our Constitution, Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country. That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.

As President, I cannot speak out against the proposed mosque. However as a citizen, I implore the planners to reconsider the location. The leaders of the Cordoba Institute have stated several times that their rationale to build this mosque at this location is to "build bridges" between Muslims and the rest of America. Protests by the families of 9/11 victims, New Yorkers and fellow Americans indicate that this project will have the opposite effect.

Freedom of religion is enshrined in our Constitution and must be protected. However, freedom of speech is likewise enshrined. While local, state and federal authorities will protect your right to worship, we will also protect the rights of others to speak out against what they deem to be a grave insult.

So I request again that the Cordoba Institute reconsider their choice of location. Regardless of their decision, I highly encourage complete transparency in the financing, building and operations of your place of worship. Already the trust of fellow citizens has been diminished and must be rebuilt.

I predict failure on both fronts will lead to alienation from fellow Americans. In the months after 9/11, the vast majority of Americans understood the tremendous differences between the terrorists who committed those heinous acts and other, peaceful Muslims. I fear those crucial differences, in the minds of many, will diminish, leading to widespread alienation that will be difficult to overcome."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Some articles that I found interesting...

Most of these are from early this week. I know it's kind of lazy to post links, but I thought these were good. They're not all political either.

Some good news for pet owners:

‎"the ideal they share: a future society that will end all alienation, vice, and unhappiness forever by submerging the individual in the bliss of the righteous collective."

And the revolution continues to eat its own children:

My wife and I have eaten at Harris Grill twice in the last couple months and really enjoyed the atmosphere.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why I like Fantasy Football

I'm entering my seventh year playing fantasy football. Some people don't grasp and even belittle the concept. I think it serves an interesting purpose in the cubicle/service industry age in which we currently find ourselves.

1. It builds camaraderie among co-workers and associates. My first league contains mostly co-workers and it was great way to get to know people outside of the work setting.

2. There's a mental aspect to the game that can't be denied! A lot of people, even fellow players, believe luck is the dominant characteristic. In my experience, I've found that you make your own luck and when bad luck hits; how you react can make the difference between having a respectable, winning season and having a miserable one.

3. For me, the competition is a lot of fun. It fills a competitive need that my other activities just don't provide. While I am physically active, I don't participate in any competitive sports. Didn't do it in high school either, mostly due to lack of ability. Winning and losing and corresponding thrill and agony are a lot of fun. Even the losing part!

4. I have a couple friends who play in family leagues and it seems like a great way to bring family together.

5. When your team isn't having a good year, it's a great distraction.

Coming off two championships last year and having negative experiences in the past (a two-win season, losing in heartbreaking manner in the playoffs a couple times), I've experienced it all now. I'll continue to play and enjoy the game. And I recommend it to all football fans. The key to enjoying it is to not get obsessed (which I was the first couple years) and remember IT'S ONLY A GAME.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The "should-be" standard-bearers of the NFL

After Brett Favre's 3 attempted retirements, I think it's safe to say everyone (fans, media, probably teammates, coaches and even Brett's dog) is sick and tired of his prima donna act. Between him, Big Ben and Brady's model wife telling every mother to breast-feed, it's easy to forget that there are exceptional quarterbacks in the NFL that aren't embroiled in some type of controversy.

First up, Drew Brees of the defending Super Bowl Champion New Orleans Saints. He is an all-around good guy, eschewing the larger market Miami Dolphins to join the Saints when he hit free agency only a year after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Big Easy. Happily married, he's thrown himself into the community. Brees also has overcame a negative relationship with his now deceased mother. The fact that he is the league's smallest starting QB makes the tremendous success he's had on the field all the more impressive.

Aaron Rodgers is the other QB that I wish was more prominent in the national conversation. ESPN the Magazine (sorry, can't link it) has a great article on the Green Bay Packers QB and how he worked through disappointment after disappointment throughout his football career, including a non-relationship with would-be mentor Brett Favre. Rodgers also QBed both my fantasy teams to championships last year, which I suppose makes me somewhat biased.

When following the run-up to the start of the NFL season this summer, don't forget about these quarterbacks from "flyover country." Not only are they good guys, but they'll probably outplay those other guys that get all the attention.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Go Mo!

Well Missouri has passed Proposition C overwhelmingly with over 70% of the vote. The MSM is already trying to poo poo it due to the Supremacy Clause and by claiming much of the support came from voters opting for Republican ballots. (MO has open primaries, allowing voters to choose their party regardless of registration.)

This is yet another harbinger for Democrats and their supporters that their control of the House, and hopefully the Senate as well, will likely slip through their tax-and-spending mitts in 90 short days.



After an over six-week sabbatical, I've decided to broaden the horizons of this humble blog to include other items of interest and other goings-on in my personal life (without getting too personal, of course.) Politics and conservative/libertarian thought will still be a focus, but a lot of other things will, hopefully, pop up here in the near future. Entertainment topics, sports, comic books (yes, I like those things) and music will all be featured here from time to time.

And with only 90 short days to go until the most important election in 30 years, I don't think there's a better time to give this (yes, I know) a third serious-go.